
Introducing Milo, the Pride Leader

Milo was the first. He was born around 2003. At that time I was working as a Field Manager for a corporate moving company. I ran the projects in the field that dealt with servers and computers. Relocating companies such as Verizon or FritoLay to new corporate facilities. My roommate at the time had several animals, and one was Milo's mother. At the time a VERY pregnant cat. She had a litter of about 6. All of the kittens seemed to have some sort of eye infections, for they were constantly getting sealed up with eye goo. Because my roommate was awful with her animals, I took it upon myself to clean their eyes out every day. Making sure they would all be healthy. Naturally this set a bond between us. Well, once they were old enough, my roommate gave all of the kittens away except for the most playful, mischievous of them all. Milo!

Unfortunately, as hard as she tried, he wanted nothing to do with her. In a fit of rage, she gave him to me.

MiloMilo (2017)

His favorite place to sleep? Under the blankets in the bed. I quite often have to tuck him in at night before I go to work. However, he does like to sleep in other places...

MiloMilo (2020)

In recent years he lost his site in both eyes. After a few operations, he has regained his sight, if only far sighted. If you are within 6 feet of him, he can't see a thing. But he does all right navigating around the house... And has also taking to howling obscenities (like any old man screaming to get off his yard)